Promo code: TAKE20
Product Overview

What it is: 
VitaVeggies is a unique blend of 10 high ORAC value vegetables, including green tea, which acts as a multi-nutrient supplement. VitaFruits is an all-natural whole food based nutritional product made by carefully extracting a wide variety of fresh fruits. VitaFruits uses freeze dried technology at controlled temperatures, preserving all the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals in whole food form.

Who it is for:
Everyone should take as a supplement to their daily diet, even those who consume enough fruits and vegetables (most people do not), as our foods today are so depleted in vitamins and minerals that it's good to supplement in a concentrated form.

What it does: 
The proprietary blend in VitaVeggies and VitaFruits has been formulated by naturopathic Doctor Janine Bowring, ND, to fight damage caused by free radicals. VitaVeggies/VitaFruits supply a variety of essential nutrients in whole food form, without any synthetic vitamins, minerals or fillers. 

What is included:
• (2) Vitatree Plus Fruits Multi (60 Capsules Each)
• (2) Vitatree Plus Veggies Multi (60 Capsules Each)


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